Dear colleaguesGreetings. I am delighted to share with you a mid-year business review with some exciting highlights. Having entered 2018 with great positivity and many exciting milestones, our overall mid-year performance looks like partly sunny, in the language of our corporate weather update as we stand at almost 10% growth rate. This is great yet it needs rigorous focus and meticulous attention so we can deliver against our business strategy before the year ends.In the recent times, the criteria for doing business with, investing in, and working for a company have changed. Innovation, price, quality, a good customer experience, rock-solid marketing, and a strong employer brand remain the price of admission for any company. Among all the organizations in your sector that embrace those qualities, customers, investors, and employees still have to make a choice. Given this choice, companies that live their values will win. And they will win big.In the past 6 or more months we have launched various employee engagement initiatives to promote an open communication culture including the re-launch of Our Values. Another milestone in this regard was the recent town hall meeting at CCL’s Head Office, which was a productive and interactive session and included our 6-monthly performance, an overview of Our Values by Dr. Shahzad Khan, COO and highlights of the past six months by Shoaib Ahmed, CHRO. It gave our employees an opportunity to interact with the Management Committee team, who also answered the employees’ questions.One of the areas we really need to focus is Manufacturing and Supply Chain where we experienced some supply chain order losses recently. However, in order to address them we recently upgraded our solid oral production facilities at CCL’s Lahore plant.