What does the word “strength” mean? For a woman, the meaning cuts much deeper than physical strength. It means much more than physical strength or capability. CCL recognizes the strength of a woman which is in its core – her resilience and drive. However to have a strong outlook and presence she needs to be strong from within her bones. Calcium deficiency is widespread globally with published estimates suggesting approximately half of the world’s population having inadequate access to dietary calcium. Calcium deficiency is a growing issue among women in Pakistan, with awareness around calcium deficiency being critically low.

As a socially responsible organization, CCL has undertaken an initiative to create awareness around calcium deficiency. “Women of Strength” is a social platform committed to raising awareness around the importance of calcium.
“Women of Strength” urges women to take care of their very being, that makes them strong which is their bone health. Active and healthy life style supplemented with proper nutrition can reduce chances of calcium deficiency.