LAHORE, MAR. 2018: “Improve your product knowledge and acquire more awareness about the products of your competitors to win in the market. Share the latest information with your customers and reflect a positive behavior but don’t forget to bring your knowledge into practice,” remarked Khalid Shafiq, Head of CH Marketing and Sales while opening the recently held 6-day session of Field Force Development for over 24 sales promotion officers (SPOs) of Consumer Healthcare at the Royal Hotel in Johar Town, Lahore.
The objective of the training was to impart medical and product knowledge to the sales team to enhance productivity through better in-chamber effectiveness. Training topics broadly covered company policies and procedures, Our Values, adverse event reporting, basics of anatomy and physiology, disease areas, products, selling skills and detailing. Facilitators from Training, Marketing, HR and Medical Affairs collaborated to deliver this training.Muhammad Shakeel General Manager CH demonstrated the selling skills by selling a cellular phone; he emphasized, “We must know all the details of our products but we shouldn’t over-claim about our products,” he added.Khalique-ur-Rehman, GM Specialty team highlighted the importance of training with reference to the Quran. “We have to grow in the profession through the implementation of our knowledge,” he said.Rana Imtiaz, Training Manager CCL motivated the audience by drawing their attention to the fact that they have all the capabilities to “build the future of their dreams”.On the last day Dr. Shahzad Khan, Chief Operating Officer CCL Pharmaceuticals, concluded the session with these remarks, “CCL is an organization with innumerable growth opportunities, so you must invest in yourselves. Ask yourself, what have I done today to strengthen my professional base,” he said. At the end, the winners were awarded worthy prizes by CCL.