A training program “Negotiate to Collaborate” an In-House Customized learning intervention was organized on December 03, 2019 for enabling participants to get through experiential learning and have a strategic analysis of negotiation process. The objective of the session was to enable Comprehensive understanding of negotiation process, tools and strategies for negotiate to collaborate, finding common grounds to resolve the problem and have a win-win scenario by understanding the concept of ‘Paradigm Shift’.
It was an ‘8 Hour’ extensive program based on experiential learning that began with an ice-breaking activity, the session was comprised of various discussions based on personality test, case-studies, role-plays, games and hands-on activities. The program was conducted by ‘Saad Tariq’ a corporate Trainer from “Fine Line Consultants”. In this program a total of 35 participants were trained and geared up for more effective Negotiation with Collaboration.